Thursday, March 31, 2011


The Amazon is indeed wild! A little online company called AMAZON has chosen Jazan Wild's CARNIVAL COMICS as the FIRST and ONLY comic book company to be part of their App store company launch! I am proud to be Carnival comic's lead artist and happy that I can finally announce this great news! To shed some light on the honor, this launch was and is not an APP free for all, where almost anyone can register and provide content like most of the communication platforms providing APP content. This is a different model that AMAZON and ANDROID are establishing whereby the APP content is more selective so that you the consumer don't have to sift through mountains of sub-par APPS. We at CARNIVAL have been graced by the titan online retailer that is AMAZON and ANDROID to provide entertaining APPS that represent the vast comic book community.

There are so many great and talented books out there that I'm certain we will be in good company soon. The digital age is upon us and although I myself miss what it's like to enjoy a visceral experience with print comics, what should always be the most important part of comics, is the story.

I have worked closely with Jazan Wild long enough to see his grand vision come to life both in music and art, both of which entwine his magical stories. His stuff is in your face and what Rock 'n' Roll comics is all about.

I am in the trenches completing Jazan's 4th and final Funhouse of Horrors book after which I will be continuing the CARNIVAL of SOULS series that stopped at Issue 3 when published at Marcosia. Issue's 1-3 of both CARNIVAL of SOULS and the FUNHOUSE of HORRORS are available for download at Amazon right now! What's even better about this is that they're FREE!

On top of that, AMAZON has developed a new feature that allows you to test the APP on your computer! Now you can catch up on all the CARNIVAL titles before we release the books I've been working on. Click on the title above for a link to the books! Strap in and enjoy the ride!

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